Welcome to the CANONEQal Ensemble!!

News & Events

[25.03.03] Y. Song, Y. Bae, and H. Jeong, "Stochastic resetting mitigates latent gradient bias of SGD from label noise",  has been accepted to Machine Learning: Sciene and Technology

[25.02.26] Gilhan has successfully completed his PhD. Congratulations, Dr. Kim!!

[25.02.21] We opened "1st Mini-workshop on Active Matter and Stochastic Thermodynamics" jointly with C-W. Woo (UOS)

[24.10.22] E. Kwon, J.-M. Park, J. S. Lee, and Y. Baek, "Unified hierarchical relationship between thermodynamic tradeoff relations" has been published in Physical Review E!

[24.03.01] Dr. Youngkyoung Bae from KAIST has joined our group. Welcome!!

[24.02.29] K. Son, Y. Choe, E. Kwon, L. G. Rigon, Y. Baek, and H-Y, Kim, "Dynamics of self-propelled particles in vibrated dense granular media" has been published in Soft Matter!

[24.01.30] E. Kwon and Y. Baek, "α-divergence improves the entropy production estimation via machine learning" has been published in Physical Review E!

[24.01.22] K.-W. Kim, Y. Choe, and Y. Baek, "Symmetry-breaking motility of penetrable objects in active fluids" has been published in Physical Review E!

[24.01.26] A video clip introducing our lab has been uploaded on YouTube!

About Our Group



